
The Community

The volunteer-driven Bodhi Berlin Meditation Community brings together those dedicated to nourishing a meditation practice. Our mission is to establish a sangha (community) that furthers the integration of compassion, wisdom, and true happiness in our lives by supporting one another in meditation, mindfulness, and our understanding of the Dhamma/Dharma (teachings of the Buddha). One only needs an interest in such ideas and an open attitude to join; all experience levels and degrees of Buddhist belief (or non-belief) are welcome.

To actualize this mission, we currently offer a peer-led weekly meditation session in English on Tuesdays from 19:15 to 21:00 at Jetzt & Hier (Auguststr. 65). We are also looking forward to adding more in-person and online activities in the near future.

The Practice Leaders

From left to right: Josh, Jeff, Henrik


“The Dharma is good in the beginning, good in the middle and good in the end.” I was exposed to Buddhism and meditation thirty years ago, during my grad school days in Religious Studies, but it took a true crisis about 12 years ago for me to commit to a regular practice. I attended several silent retreats in the U.S. in the years to follow, including a month-long at Spirit Rock in early 2020, all of which shaped me profoundly. I am grateful to be able to continue exploring the subtlety and depth of the Dharma with my new spiritual friends here at Bodhi Berlin.


The seed of Buddhism was planted within me early on, but like the lotus, it took a meandering passage while struggling through the mud of life before beginning to blossom. However, upon blossoming, the teachings continually shift my perception, and are particularly useful in dealing with the dis-ease of modern urban life. Additionally, I’m a certified teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and MYmind (mindfulness for neurodivergent children and their families), so my approach to practice is multifaceted. More than anything, it continues to be a joy to take part in the cultivation of our Bodhi Berlin community, as well as sharing the understanding and experiences of everyone who joins us, as we grow together.

You can find more about my teaching outside of Bodhi Berlin here.


I came to meditation for the opportunity for personal development, stayed for the peace of concentration, got thrown off track by the vicissitudes of life, then returned with a renewed longing for peace and the challenge of how to bring practice from the cushion and the study out into the currents of life.